Week 2: Values & Vision

Before attending the call

Take a read of the Curio DAOs Mission and Ideals

Minute Notes

The link to recorded twitter space discussion can be found here

The call is going discussing the missions and ideals here: https://docs.curio.cards/dao-and-contribution/mission-and-ideals

2:46 Commemorating the growth of the Coordinape.

The first epoch we ran last last year Started with 5 members who distributed a total of 348 tokens to each other.

Now several epochs later, the Coordinape grew to 16 people distributing 1368 tokens.

Join Discord --> #dao-start-here --> To join the people making all kinds of contributions to the community.

9:40 Discussion over the Missions begin.

We protect and preserve the historical Curio Cards project

To convey the idea of conservation. In some ways this is easier with Digital Art. In other ways there may be challenges unique to the blockchain space and how it affects coordination in the Curio DAO.Protecting while also developing/elaborating and keeping it alive.

We serve the the artists, the cardholders, and the community

The best way to get involved is to be of help and serve the community in some way. Encourage collaborative behaviours.

Some run ins we may run into as a community that is multi-faceted could be honoring the original artists whilst giving room for new artists to experiment with Curio inspired/related work.

Documentation helps with onboarding new participants. Not profit motivated, existing for the art. The idea of making Curio Cards and Curio communication platforms a safe spaces for learning resonates.

We follow the dual mandates to support and develop Curio Cards

A catch 22 of sorts -- the intention to Support and Develop. The nature of conserving and further developing can run into conflict. So it is about finding a healthy balance. Art has always been remixes and iterations of works that came before it. With that in mind, art can lead the way in how we make decisions. is like glimmer that is showing Support + Develop. The values we have today can be tools we use for decision support.

22:14 A question from speaker panel: "Can we make a map of what has already happened, linking all kinds of different nodes (Artist, Art, smart contracts, supply etc)? It is hard for buyers to track what new has been happening in the project and track activity within the project"

Currently a good resource besides the key discord channels like #dao-discussion and guild channels is this current gitbook document that is being built by some community members. We also have a medium blog we plan to keep the community and wider public about recent events and news.

We support opportunities for education and safety in the NFT community, We foster collaboration and harmony between Curio and the NFT community

Education was an original mandate for the 2017 project and that value continues to live on in these statements

29:30 There are 3 natural partnerships identified that Curio Cards form/are currently forming:

1. Historical NFT projects.

2. Artist projects.

3. Digital Collectibles/ERC-1155 projects - we need more tools and support for projects that choose to use ERC-1155 standards

We offer opportunities for DAO member growth within the Curio Cards project

Opportunities are open for people to contribute to DAO tasks and projects. Contributors can be fluid with their roles in the DAO and have the ability to gain work experience if they wish to pursue a career path in Web3.

As Curio evolves there is always growing opportunities for leadership and stewardship. One can take their learnings working in a fluid environment and use them in future projects.

Marketing idea: give guilds roles based on cards 21, 22, 23 (Wizard, Bard, Barbarian)

Ideals: Art -- Power of art. People "with" crypto. Crypto -- Open Metaverse? In contrast with private Metaverse. Open source Buying an Apple? Experience -- ultimate non-fungible. What other Guilds could come in the future? Bottom-up organization. Next week -- Tools and Organization.

40:49 We go through the next sets of Ideals in sections and pick out a few points to highlight

Ideals relating to Art: We believe in the power of art to create personally meaningful connections for people with crypto

Art can be a great conversation starter and communicator of abstract ideas such as crypto. Of course art is in the eye of the beholder and can reinforce negative perceptions of crypto at on the same coin. In this conversation we acknowledge this.

45:55 We begin the section of Ideals in Crypto

Ideals relating to Crypto: We believe more education about crypto is always a positive thing Education

Like art in many ways, education is an infinite onramp. There is always space for learning. Apart from existing members who teach Curio Cards/NFTs/Crypto knowledge to the new, the opposite can be said for many other topics and this is a core value for the DAOs existence.

55:46 We begin the section of Ideals in Community Respect

Ideals relating to Community Respect: We want to make a note to be a positive community and spread good vibes.

1:00:02 We begin the section of Ideals in Collaboration

We believe in coordination, not speculation

The DAO was formed as a means of connecting Curio enthusiasts with one another to connect and fulfill fun things in the name of Curio Cards.

The experience of connecting with people through DAOs and community is something priceless.


We value collaboration over the speed of one. Consensus is a feature, not a bug

Instead of oversight and control, we start from trust and communication. We work to empower groups and favor decentralized decision making

This describes the exploratory stage of the Curio DAO. There could be endless variations to how we develop consensus, trust, the cards, voting. There are also topics related to governance and cryptography that could be explored deeper.

No secret sponsorship, any paid collaborations are fully transparent

We won't support undisclosed sponsorships. It's very common to see practices where people are shilling without disclosing this type of information.

Notes: Curio DAO does not follow a traditional top down organisation. Instead we rather a holistic approach where group decisions are discussed with close consideration whether it fits the Mission and Ideals we envision for the project.


How do we deal with a scenario when a project doesn't align or agree with the Mission and Ideals?

Ultimately given the nature on a permissionless blockchain such a project could release but not receive a community wide support. Scenarios could occur where, given the circumstances at the time, there may not be enough active people in the DAO to support a given idea or project. Those people can possibly proceed by means of sourcing resources themselves to people in the Curio Cards community but are not in the DAO. Or collaborate with people completely outside the NFT environment whilst maintaining friendly relationships with the DAO.

Ideas to help facilitate successful Curio projects:

  • Create a checklist of pre-flight items

  • Shark tank events that help publicize and get funding for a project

Proposals process is a little outdated, may need some updating.


Last thoughts and closing off

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