Mission and Ideals
How the Curio DAO and its members guide their activities for the Curio Cards ecosystem
We protect and preserve the historical Curio Cards project
We serve the the artists, the cardholders, and the community
We follow the dual mandate to support and develop Curio Cards
We support opportunities for education and safety in the NFT community
We foster collaboration and harmony between Curio and the NFT community
We offer opportunities for DAO member growth within the Curio Cards project
We believe in the power of art to create personally meaningful connections for people with crypto
We work to keep the spirit of art experimentation and exploration alive
We believe that artists deserve to be paid fairly
We respect artistic choice
We believe in the power of crypto to enable and support digital artists
We believe in the power of Open Source to create beneficial public goods
We are advocates for crypto and Web3
We believe more education about crypto is always a positive thing
We honor all questions as learning opportunities
Community Respect
Our goal is to prioritize excellence, kindness, and creativity over all else
We nurture an accepting community open to all Curious Raccoons
We believe that everyone deserves respect, and we have zero tolerance for harassment
We value long-term integrity over short-term reward
We don’t support FUD or misinformation, even if it benefits Curio Cards
We are a family-friendly project
We respect the right to anonymity
Community Collaboration
We believe in coordination, not speculation
The Curio DAO is a coordination tool, not a token. We vote with the cards
The DAO is organized into Guilds, which are supportive spaces that act as the “first stop” for anyone looking to help out or share an idea
No secret sponsorship — any paid collaborations are fully transparent
We value collaboration over the "speed of one." Consensus is a feature, not a bug
Instead of oversight and control, we start from trust and communication. We work to empower groups and favor decentralized decision-making
We believe community contributions deserve compensation from the DAO
We believe that community contributions deserve compensation, the level of which can grow with the DAO over time. See the Coordinape page for more info
We favor breaking large projects into smaller ones and getting them across the finish line
We believe in iterative change. The best things are built over time, not perfect the first try
We encourage bold and original ideas
Last updated