
Artist of Cards 11, 12, and 13

Grounding Bitcoin In Art.

Cryptograffiti's not just a Bitcoin artist — he’s an activist. Way back, in 2015, he’d already said no to being the Silicon Valley Sales Guy, when he'd first stuck a Bitcoin QR code on a neighborhood bank. Purpose had emerged: down the Hashcash rabbit hole and out seeking revolution, he chose to teach others about Bitcoin. A better world through Bitcoin — the cause of his art.

Whether rebranding the dollar bill with Bitcoin jargon and history, piecing together credit cards bits into headline-stealing portraits, or auctioning off the least expensive, fittingly tiny artwork in the world, all Cryptograffiti’s art comes from repurposed banking materials.

It’s about destroying the oppressive old, and welcoming the free-er new; tearing down the legacy banking system and bringing Bitcoin’s permission-less chain to all. Like Bitcoin, Cryptograffiti’s projects cross borders — helping migrants in Cúcuta, a Columbian town next to dictator-ruined Venezuela.

When not promoting Lightning Network’s split payments — like his DJ set in front of the U.S. mint — then Cryptograffiti's keeping the soul of Bitcoin culture alive. One meme or mandala at a time.

It’s all in the Cards.

Each Cryptograffiti Card was once on the streets of San Francisco. They're rebranded bank logos, which appeared on ATMs. Goodbye Union Bank of Switzerland, Mastercard and Citibank — hello BTC Keys, MineBitcoin and BTC.

Yes, they’re on Ethereum, but Cryptograffiti wanted you to know: Bitcoin was first. And the arts will help it last.

For more Bitcoin activism:

Check out Cryptograffiti’s website.

Follow Cryptograffiti on Twitter.

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