The goal of Curio community collaboration is to expand the project ecosystem and continue to make collecting the cards fun and easy. No new cards from the original 2017 collection will ever be released. The proposals the Curio Community vote on will serve these goals.
Proposal Process
An initial discussion around new ideas and proposals start in the Curio Discord ( and Curio Forums (
A single (or series of) non-binding votes/polls will take place on the Curio Discord and Forum.
Each vote will run for least 24 hours to give people from all timezones an opportunity to participate.
The votes will help gauge support and figure out specific details.
The results of the discussions and polls will be written up for review and feedback by the appropriate Curio Guild team. The final draft becomes a formal governance proposal.
Formal Proposals go to a Cardholder Vote at
Votes will be announced on the official Curio Twitter account, @MyCurioCards, and the Discord.β
Votes will run for 24-72 hours to give people from all timezones an opportunity to participate, depending on the urgency.
Voting uses the popular Snapshot platform which costs no gas, using signatures instead of transactions.
Cardholder Voting is based on the amount and rarity of held cards and/or fractional Card tokens (including LP). Amount and rarity voting combats a type of voter fraud known as a Sybil Attack.
Last updated