Artwork Licensing
Can I display Curio Artwork on my Gallery, Site, or NFT Tool?
NFT utility providers are allowed to display Curio Card artwork on their site/app if that tool supports Curio Cards. Examples of this include market stats tools, marketplaces, documentation and information, galleries, and games. You may also use card artwork when advertising that Curio Cards is a supported NFT. This permission is for display purposes only and does Not apply to the creation of derivative works (see below). Curio Cards can revoke this default permission for a project (for example, if the project is violating community rules).
Can I sell t-shirts/mugs/etc with artwork from the Curio Cards collection on it?
You need to check the licensing of derivative use policy of each artist whose work you plan on using. Some of the artists have stated upfront terms while others require individual discussion. There is no singular licensing agreement that covers the whole collection, each artist retains the rights to their work.
Phneep (Cards 1 - 10, 14, 15, 16, 20)
General license for non-cardholders:
General license if you hold the card:
Phneep's Cards: 1-10, 14-16, 20
For special use outside of these licenses, contact the artist on Twitter @phneep
Cryptograffiti (Cards 11, 12 ,13)
Contact directly to discuss licensing terms. Moderators in the Curio Discord can assist in making introductions.
Cryptopop (Cards 17, 18, 19)
Contact directly to discuss licensing terms. User @cryptopop in the Curio Discord channel #cryptopop.
Robek World (Cards 21, 22, 23)
General license for non-cardholders:
General license if you hold the card:
Robek World's Cards: 21-23
For special use outside of these licenses, contact user @rwx in the Curio Discord channel #robek-world
Daniel Friedman (Cards 24, 25, 26)
Unless other terms are reached: As of 2022, licensing is based upon For holders of the Curio Card: CC BY (commercial use) For non-holders of the Curio Card: CC BY-NC (non-commercial use)
Feel free to contact directly to discuss collaboration ideas/terms. Curio Discord: user @Daniel-Friedman, channel #daniel-friedman. Email .
Marisol Vengas (27, 28, 29)
Contact directly to discuss licensing terms. User @maximus in the Curio Discord channel #marisol-vengas
Thoros of Myr (Card 30)
General license for non-cardholders:
General license if you hold card 30:
Anonymous artist. For special use outside of these licenses, contact a moderator in the Curio Discord for assistance relaying communications.
Last updated