Card Integrations
What can you do with your Curio Cards?
Curio Cards are first and foremost art. But they can be so much more! Here are the current integrations for Curio cards.
With the ownership of any curio card you can gain access to an exclusive Curio Cards holders channel. Only Curio Card holders know what is talked about there.
Curio Card #9, Books, holders can gain access to the book club channel.
Full set holders have access to their own discord channel.
You can sell your cards in the NFTX vault in exchange for tokens.
Want to display your Curio Cards on the wall of your own room in the metaverse? Or maybe you want to display your Curio Card on an art easel in the middle of your room? Go to isotile and connect your wallet to display your Curio Cards.
Do you have a story about your Curio Card you would like to tell? Connect to Hyype and start a profile where you can make up your own story (lore) about your Curio Cards or other NFTs that qualify.
Curios about more?
The Curio Cards community is very curious and has lots of ideas. There are several different ideas currently in the works ranging from a new NFT series to merchandising. Connect with the community on Discord or twitter to get the most up to date information. Have some ideas or skills you would like to contribute? Join the Curio Cards DAO.
Last updated